Today's Word

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Today's Word: "Share good things with the spiritual leaders."


"Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them." Galatians 6:6 NLT


This is what is truly meant here, a relationship between pastors or leaders and congregation or follower, is one of Koinonia, 'fellowship' or 'partnership'.  It is bound by the blood of Jesus Christ and the word of God, the relationship between the pastors and congregation is clued.  Sharing the good things is key to relationship between each other.

Today, remember, you have not come to know Jesus Christ without the help of those who spread the good news to you.  In your life, there was so many who mentor or lead or taught the God's word to you, do not forget them, but remember them and share the good things with them.  This is not just material things; but, it's the joy that comes from sharing the love of God to others and how God is working through you.

Share good things with the leaders or mentors or pastors.


Father God, I will appreciate the spiritual leaders in my life by reaching out and showing the appreciation and also connecting with them to acknowledge their sacrifice to lead me right way. Pray in Jesus' name.