Today's Word

image 15

Today's Word: "Back onto the right path"


"Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself" Galatians 6:1


We should be encouraging each other to fight the sin and win over the sin instead of rebuking them for falling in to sin.  Because, we could also fall into the same temptation ourself.  

Today, remember, you need to encourage and lead those who are falling into sinful life, instead of continually rebuking their sinful life.  You need to lead them with gentleness and humbleness that shows God's love to them.  If God did not demonstrate his faithfulness, you would never would get the gift of Jesus Christ to save you from the wage of sin.  God is love.

Demonstrate God's love by leading confused,lost, and fallen brothers and sisters to Christ.


Father God, I thank you so much for forgiving my sins in my life. Thank you. Pray in Jesus' name.