Today's Word

image 15

Today's Word: "Turn to Jesus"


"O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?" Galatians 3:1


Apostle Paul is teaching them by faith, you are justified and saved. But, they are going back to the old Jewish law and the law of works.  We need to know that it is through faith that we are saved, not by works.  Many false teachers will put emphasis on the works to fulfill their goals, not to give glory to God.

Today, remember, do not be foolish when someone comes and question your faith in Jesus. Because, it is through faith in Jesus, that you are saved.  Do not be fool by their reason and their knowledge in pursuing works above faith.  Through works, you could never be justified to receive the grace of God, it is only through faith in Jesus.

Turn to Jesus.


Father God, I will not let others persuade me to believe something other than what I believe in Jesus. Thank you for making me understand the truth. Pray in Jesus' name.