Apostle Paul is teaching them by faith, you are justified and saved. But, they are going back to the old Jewish law and the law of works. We need to know that it is through faith that we are saved, not by works. Many false teachers will put emphasis on the works to fulfill their goals, not to give glory to God.
Today, remember, do not be foolish when someone comes and question your faith in Jesus. Because, it is through faith in Jesus, that you are saved. Do not be fool by their reason and their knowledge in pursuing works above faith. Through works, you could never be justified to receive the grace of God, it is only through faith in Jesus.
Why is having a faith so important? Because, without faith, there is no hope and joy that comes from God. There are so many who try to achieve happiness through their work. They are deceiving themselves.
Today, remember, the just shall live by faith, you are called to live by faith. Do everything in faith in God. Because, if you don't, you will not experience of God in your life. You will experience despair and incompleteness.
We are not Jews, but, we receive the gift of salvation through Christ. We are no longer bound by the curse of the law. We are bought by the cross. We are free from the bondage of sin. Sin can not rule us anymore.
Today, remember, you are bought with the price, the blood of Jesus Christ, to set you free and receive the free gift of salvation. You will also receive the Holy Spirit who will help you as you put your trust in Jesus. Jesus dying on the cross represents your freedom and completeness of God's love in your life.
You are redeemed, do not go back ward in your faith, but go forward.
Do you keep your promise or tend to break it? God's promise is a promise that never breaks and it's everlasting. Paul is letting us know that a promise over rules the law. Law of God is there to protect us from falling; but God's promise is there to be fulfilled to demonstrate his love toward us.
Today, remember, do not take a promise lightly with God or to others. Everyone today lives in fast pace life style and tend to make a lot of promises that eventually never kept with each other. Because of that reason, a promise to each other is no longer sacred in personal level, or in spiritual relationship with God.
Make a promise to keep, not to break it, keep your word to God and to others.