When are you most strongest person? It is when you are in most vulnerable time in your life and most fragile state. Because, if you could overcome, you know you could face anything, no matter of how tough it may be. You become stronger period. Today, if you are in vulnerable time or critical time in your life, rejoice in the love of God and know that you will overcome by trusting and having a faith in God. You are the child of most high God and through the blood of Jesus, everything is conquered, and no evil could do any harm to you. Paul knew who is in charge, it is not him or anyone. It is our heavenly father.
Paul finishes the letter with words of encouragement and letting the believers know that being one mind is very important. Most times, for a group to be in same mind is very difficult, because everyone has different opinions and views. He is instructing that everyone who loves God and knows God's love need to come together in one through putting Jesus in the center.
Remember, today you could only become complete through trusting in God. Many, in today's society, strive to achieve excellence and try to be perfect by their will. But, Paul is letting you know that it is through the love of God, that everyone become complete and also stay in one mind. Through putting your faith in God, you are complete and peace in your heart.
Seek one mind by putting Jesus first in your heart.
In so many ways, mega churches influenced heavily by the seeker sensitive movement where they want to make people come easily to church by lowering the standard of the gospel, so, they have an easier time with encountering God. But, it created more of a mess exodus of believers leaving the church as they did not get properly fed spiritually through the word of God and it was driven by lowering standards for what they want. It was the start of the water down the gospel. Our standard should be always on worshipping God, not pleasing the people.
Today, remember, you are called to be a witness for Jesus and also a servant of God. As a servant of God, you need to demonstrate what is truth in the scripture. It should not just emotional experience; but, it should word of God that pierecs the heart of men. It should be always combination of testimony of your life and also word of God. Apostle Paul knew this truth dearly and prompting the church to follow through.
The Apostle Paul, sharing his encounter of God's love in his life through meeting Jesus on the road to the Damascus. He was not qualified to be called by God. His action before the meeting Jesus, he was not in anyway holy, maybe direct opposite. But, he realized God's grace in his life and commit his way to preach the good news to the Gentiles. He did not require any confirmation from anyone, because, he was called directly by Jesus.
Today, remember, do not look back at your past action and hold yourself hostage from serving God in the coming days. Because, Jesus Christ, as freed you from all that you are holding back. It is time to take charge of your life and follow God's plan in your life. Just like Paul, recognize that you are called to be a follower of Jesus Christ and a disciple of Christ. You have a mission to complete. Do not look at your weakness, but, look at God's grace in your life and be encouraged to know that God will give you strength.