Today's Word

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God will use you

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Here, the church means believers in Jesus Christ, who have obtained the wisdom that comes from above and also know the plan of God.  We are equipped to make a difference in this world and also spiritual world by trusting in Jesus and through his victory on the cross.

Today, remember, God will use you.  Do not doubt yourself in what God will do in your life.  You may ask, but, do not doubt about God's love in your life.  Through the Christ Jesus your Lord, you are saved and redeemed.  God will use you  to make an impact in this world to represent his glory and his wisdom.

He will use you to display his wisdom to others.

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Please don't lose your heart

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There is something special, being a Christian.  We have completely different backgrounds, but, by believing in Jesus Christ, we become closer and work together to give glory and honor to God.  Because, we sincerely care of our God and what Jesus has done for us dearly in our hearts and know that we all feel same about it. So, one suffers, we could empathize and pray and encourage for others.

Today, remember, do not lose your heart, under the trials and suffering, for Christ have won and demonstrate the power within where all have conquered on the cross. So, encourage one another in the name of Jesus Christ and know that the trials mean nothing.  Deal with the boldly and confidently in God's presence and know that he is in control.

Trust in him and live boldly in the name of Jesus.

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Enjoy the love of Christ

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We can not compare how great our God is, even the smallest encounter, we are amazed by his love in our life. We should enjoy the fullness of life that comes from God.  We should be always seeking his presence in our life.

Today, remember, enjoy the presence of God in your life by opening your heart to him.  Do not ignore the presence of God in your life by devoting yourself too much on the things of this world.  But, focus on his presence as you live your life.  Do not get caught up in living your life with things to do. But, make the time to spend more time with God intimately.

Enjoy the joy that comes from the love of Christ.

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Give glory to God

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We should never underestimate what we could achieve with the help from God.  Because, he is infinitely more, in terms of what he could do and what he could provide for us.  His will is different from our will. Because we are limited to our limited situation and understanding. But, with God, everything is possible.

Today, remember,  you have the power within you to accomplish things as you put your trust in God continually in your life. Now, knowing and understanding, you need to use it to give glory and honor to his name. You should not focus on achieving things that will perish, but, focus on things that will last eternally. Why? Because his love is infinite and that's all matter at the end.

Expect great things from God by trusting in him and ready to give glory always and for everything.

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